Exhibit and theme Fabrication

COST production facilities have several individual departments that specialize in theme carpentry, concrete composites, fiberglass, urethanes, epoxies, decorative metals, and acrylics. Oftentimes, water feature mechanical systems and aquarium life support systems are fabricated and then shipped to the job site for a quick and seamless installation.

Technology for Specialty Exhibit Fabrication

COST's technological improvements include our Computer Aided Framework System (CAFS) and 5-Axis CNC equipment. These advanced systems are revolutionizing the way that highly detailed thematic finishes are constructed for several reasons:

  • These systems provide accurate feature replications based on computer-generated modeling.
  • Off-site fabricated features decrease on-site construction scheduling.
  • Allows for JIT deliveries of fabricated panels and pieces.
  • Provides quality control checks and balances throughout design and exhibit fabrication.
  • Increases efficiencies from concept to completion.

The exhibit fabrication process begins by importing drawings and scanned models into the CAFS/CNC environments. The custom-designed and developed software transforms data points into 3D drawings. This information can be shared with the design and architectural team for BIM (Building Information Modeling) integration and clash detection. Once approved, the data is fed into our automated equipment to accurately produce three-dimensional objects.

Production and shipping tracking software allows for real-time project updates and reporting to all stakeholders.